What’s New in the View?

What's New?

The latest SystemView Updates and release notes
Beds>Complex Patients
7 Dec. 2022

You'll now find a number of new filters and fields throughout the following components:

  • Admitted Patient Register
  • Complex Patient Register
  • Complex Patient Escalation List

These new filters and fields will give you improved visibility and provide in-depth analysis and detail of the complex patients in your hospital. 

To find the new changes in SystemView, navigate to Beds>Complex Patients. 

Some of the new fields and filters now available include:

  • Ethnicity
  • Estimated Discharge Date (EDD)
  • Length of Stay (LoS) since EDD
  • Patient Suburb
  • Care Type
  • Complex Discharge

Please note, the 'Medically Fit for Discharge' field in the Complex Patient Register has been removed.