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The latest SystemView Updates and release notes
1.51 Release Notes
7 Sep. 2022


Non-Surgical Procedures - A filter of ‘Procedure Type’ has been added to the Surgery > Waiting List component group to include Cat 4,5,6 Non-Surgical specialties and Cat 4,5,6 & 9 Endoscopy procedures. Data can now be captured within patient tables to support scheduling and wait list management. This filter is now available in the waiting list components to populate trends, current wait list metrics, end of month projections and much, much more.

Development is underway to include Non-Surgical procedures within the Demand and Capacity Component and Activity Trends. Our team will be in contact once we have these additional two datasets ready for production.

*Please note that MIS and TeamViews will still be available until further notice.

 Outpatients Forecasting Tool:

Duplicate – Strategies that have been created within a scenario in the Outpatient Forecasting Tool can now be duplicated to create a copy in a new strategy, this function is to support the build of compound scenarios to make amendment’s without losing your original work.

Tabular View of Scenarios & Strategies – A table will now populate to view details of the scenarios and strategies that have been entered into the tool. This function gives the ability to export the table to Microsoft Excel.